Pacto Contra Fome Movement

About the initiative

Last week, we had the privilege of participating in the launch of Pacto Contra a Fome (Pact Against Hunger), a multi-sector movement that crosses the political spectrum and aims at contributing to the fight against hunger and wasted food. The Pact works on the basis of linkages, collaboration and data intelligence, building bridges between the government, the private sector and social society so that, together, we can accomplish permanent structural change.

Two years ago, Integration was invited to conduct a study on the relationship between hunger levels and food waste in Brazil led by Ana Maria Diniz and Geyze Diniz. Following this study, Geyze made the decision to move ahead and create a movement capable of addressing this extremely relevant topic based on an in-depth and structured approach. A group of co-founders comprising 40 representatives from a diverse array of sectors was formed – including Andrea Aun representing Integration Consulting. After six months of work, the group established the Pact with the objective of ensuring that not a single Brazilian suffers from hunger by 2030 and that all Brazilians are well nourished by 2040.

It’s an honor to be a part of this important and ambitious movement working for the good of society.

  • On 1 June 2023