Adere Fitas | Helena Tomazi Dias Quaresma and Luis Gustavo T. Dias Silvia Backoffice Director/Owner and CEO/Owner
In this video, Silvia Helena and Luis Gustavo from Adere Fitas Adesivas share their experience of working with Integration Consulting. They highlight the fact that this project and associated diagnosis made it possible for the company to understand the difficulties and growth opportunities available to the business. Integration supported them with a go-to-market project as well as with professional development for optimizing their governance to better engage Adere’s team in the new routines and processes. They emphasize the high level of commitment on the part of the Integration team throughout project and during implementation.
At the time of recording, Silvia Helena Quaresma was one of the company’s owners and the back office director and Luis Gustavo Dias was another one of the company’s owner and the CEO at Adere Fitas.
- On 22 June 2022