Gafisa | Wilson Amaral, President
Wilson Amaral starts the video talking about his first experience in hiring Integration, between 2008 and 2009, when he was CEO of a large company in the civil construction segment, which had just bought another company, in the same segment and also large. He comments that he needed a serious, correct company and that in addition to making a good diagnosis, that would help with the implementation of the processes. According to him, the company managed to achieve the objectives that year, thanks to the work of Integration. According to Wilson, the company needed more than a good PowerPoint or report and with that, it highlights Integration’s differentials such as: being hands-on and working integrated with the client’s team, for everyone to reach the common goal. Wilson ends the video by saying that he has recommended and will continue to recommend Integration, as he believes in the motivated and competent team that the company has.
At the time of this recording, Wilson Amaral was President of Gafisa.
- On 12 March 2021