HSI | Aline Carvalho
Aline Carvalho says that there was an acquisition of a company invested in by one of HSI’s private equity funds, and that it would now be a business unit within the HSI structure. The challenge was to see how to bring these two companies together without losing each other’s value creation. Integration helped to design the company’s organizational model, mapping all processes, the value chain, but placing everything in the same environment within the same organizational structure. Another need was to help the company design this desired culture within this new context of this new organizational model. She mentions that Integration’s biggest difference is the quality of its professionals, with knowledge and diligence, and the quality of deliveries. She mentions that the company received much more than they hired.
At the time of this recording, Aline Carvalho was Director of People and Management at HSI.
- On 5 April 2024